FEATURED IMAGE | Crying my way through my acute reading slump plus a short tbr list!

Crying My Way Through My Acute Reading Slump Plus A Short TBR List

Hi guys, it’s me…again. Have you read my latest review yet? If you have already, thanks a lot! As you can see, I’m very sick right now and I’m suffering from that horrifying, dreaded disease only us book readers (*coughs* See?) suffer from: (Acute) Reading Slump.

PINTEREST PHOT: Crying my Way Through my Reading Slump + A Short TBR List

Okay, you might be wondering why I’m claiming that I have an acute reading slump when I have just published a review like 2 sec ago. The truth is, I am having a hard time reading and choosing what to read next and this yucky feeling won’t leave me alone. I feel like there’s a worm inside my head and it has taken over the control center of my body.

I need help gif

These days, I’m trying my best to stick to my schedule and read everything I need to, in proper order: review requests, NetGalley eARCs, and the books on my personal tbr list. And now that I’m on a vacation, (because I just graduated from college yall) I do my best to finish everything and after forcing myself to read like 2 or 3 books (which are pretty good books, by the way), I know I just can’t read anymore. I can’t freaking function properly anymore. I feel like I… I’ve lost my edge.

But I have to read. We have to read, right? What do I do? I need to continue while I still have time and I just can’t.

Kim Kardashian crying gif

What do you guys usually do when you have a reading slump? Or when you’re reading something (& enjoying it) but you feel forced to do so? How do you go on with your life?

Here’s a short list of my TBR or my To Be Read books and these are the books I currently have right now so I’m thinking that maybe trying to read one more– before I totally have a short break– can get me through this non-pathological disease and enjoy life as a merry bibliophile again!

I need to break the ice and these are my options– can you help me choose one?

Books published by SOURCEBOOKS Fire:

As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti

                            Catchphrase: What if you could ask for anything- and get it?

Update: I have already read and reviewed As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti. You can read my rant review here! 🙂

Protected by Claire Zorn

                            Catchprase: I have three months left to call Katie my older sister. Then the gap will close and I will pass her. I will get older. But Katie will always be fifteen, eleven months and twenty-one days old. 

We All Fall Down by Natalie D. Richards

                            Catchphrase: Theo and Paige are desperate to forget the night that tore them apart. But someone is playing wicked games with them to make them remember… 

Published by SOURCEBOOKS Jabberwocky

The List by Patricia Forde

                            Catchphrase: Fahrenheit 451 meets The Giver for tweens in this gripping story about the power of words and the dangers of censorship.

Published by Kids Can Press:

The Lost Causes by Jessica Etting, Alyssa Schwartz

                            Catchphrase: They’re lost causes, the therapist tells them. She promises this support group will help them heal. There’s only one problem. She’s not a therapist. And that water she offers? It contains a dangerous serum that gives each of the kids a psychic power. 

Published by Blaze Pub:

The Underground by Case Maynard

                            Catchphrase: With the System on the verge of complete annihilation and new factions of freethinkers emerging, Vee knows she must find a way to end the Commander’s rule quickly—and by any means necessary.

Related: How I Kicked Book Slump’s Tiny Ass

LET'S CHAT | Want to say something? Any violent reactions? Let me know everything. I wanna hear what you gotta say!

What are the books included in your TBR list? What is the first book you read after your book slump? Let me know in the comments section below.

Before you go, I’d like to invite you to join me on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Also, click the button below to join my exclusive mailing list and start receiving updates on this book blog!

Want to see the full list of my Netgalley collection? Head over to my Pinterest now to take a peek!!! ❤ And don’t forget to subscribe to my mailing list for updates and to receive my latest book reviews. Click that button below to subscribe. Annyeong!Click this button to subscribe to my mailing list now! :)


  1. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been in a slump – I hope it goes away soon! Taking a break from reading can do the trick as well, pressuring yourself into reading all of the books can put you in an even bigger slump sometimes. Or re-reading a favorite book can work 🙂
    I’d say As You Wish, if you want a suggestion as to where to start – that book sounds really good! 🙂
    Happy reading! 🙂

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    1. Oh it’s you, Marie! What a surprise! 🙂 Thank you so much for stopping by. I’ve been eyeing As You Wish as well but I’m kind of not sure when I should start reading it but since you said it sounds good, I think it’s a cue to finally start with it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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